INDEX TO SPECIFIC GENERAArmatocereusArrojadoa Arthrocereus Austrocephalocereus Azureocereus Bergerocactus Borzicactus Brasilicereus Browningia Buiningia Calymmanthium Carnegiea Castellanosia Cereus Cephalocleistocactus Cipocereus Cleistocactus Coleocephalocereus Corryocactus Escontria Espostoa Facheiroa Eulychnia Gymnocereus Haageocereus Harrisia Haseltonia Helianthocereus Isolatocereus Jasminocereus Lophocereus Machaerocereus Micranthocereus Morawetzia xMyrtgerocactus Myrtillocactus Neobuxbaumia Neocardenasia Neoraimondia Nyctocereus Oreocereus xPachgerocereus Pachycereus Pilosocereus Polaskia Pterocereus Rathbunia Rauhocereus Setiechinopsis Siccobaccatus Stenocereus Stetsonia Stephanocereus Subpilocereus Thrichocereus Thrixanthocereus Weberbauerocereus |
This web site is the result of a collaboration between Tony Mace of Ansty, West Sussex, UK and Bob Ressler of Stockton, California, USA. We share an obsession with the giant tree-like cacti which are represented in the banner of the Cactus Mall. Unfortunately because of their size they are not as well known as many of the more miniature globular cacti. This is not to say that they are not widely grown as many species are produced in large numbers by the wholesale Cactus nurseries as seedling plants and sold through retail outlets. There are a considerable number of species of cacti which fall into this category and this will be very much an ongoing work for several years. We hope eventually it will contain photographs of both seedling and mature plants of both cultivated and wild plants. This will be supplemented by original descriptions, distribution maps and article references. One of our initial tasks is to provide a permanent and flexible home for the extensive photopoint galleries which were developed by Bob Ressler and to digitise and make available the ceroid slide collection of Tony Mace. The genera Browningia and Espostoa are already covered in some detail and the webpages now include the original decription from Britton and Rose and a major review article which was written by Graham Charles and originally published in the BCSS journal. See also Bob Ressler's publication from the CSSA journal on xMyrtgerocactus. An interesting page on some ceroid cacti in Michoacán has been contributed by Arturo Anaya. You can check on progress by viewing our site log. Neither Bob or myself are professional botanists so this site will be essentially from the point of view of enthiastic amateurs and we will welcome corrections and input from anyone willing to help us improve the site.
The domain Columnar Cacti is part of the cactus and succulent plant mall
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